The hips will turn roughly 45* on the takeaway (pivoting is the key - not sliding), as we turn back into the ball they will release and turn fully into the shot at impact, ideally with your belt buckle facing the target or as close to it as you can. Notice that my hips have not slid forward at impact, but have actually turned out of the way. The hips have turned as if they were in a bucket, not rocking back in forth.
Meanwhile, the upper torso started with a tilt away from the target, why you might ask. My right hand is lower on the club then my left and therefore should naturally accommodate an upper body tilt away from the target. The majority of great players out there on tour will have that tilt, check it out the next time you watch them on tv.
The upper body tilt is maintained throughout the golf swing as you can see. To me the difference that I see in the good players and the poor ones is how the upper body moves back in forth for the average golfer and is rock steady for the good players. The next time you go to the range and hit balls, stop at the top of your swing and ask yourself a question; am I leaning into my shot at the top or am i staying behind the ball? If you are leaning in to your shot you are swinging very steeply and hitting a wide variety of shots, left, right, high, low, slice and hook all caused by the same problem.
"NO SLIDE THE HIPS" because when you do you tilt towards the target.
For a hands on explanation of this principle, call me anytime at 218-9405 and set up a lesson time.
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